Minggu, 29 Desember 2013

Noozxoide and Bravia Engine (2 In 1) For Tab 2 By Husni

Noozxoide and Bravia Engine (2 In 1) For Tab 2 By Husni

Hello All, I'm husni from indonesia.
I want to share, what i have build for sound and display.

I build 2 in 1 mod Noozxoide and Bravia Engine for Tab 2

Change Logs V.1
* Port from my previous port from HOX+ to Tab 2
* App from Noozxoide ver
* With selected sound image bin and lib file for great sound.
* Include With bravia engine 1 for Tab 2
* And more, you can test by your self.

I hope this customized very helpful to us all, special for lovers of music and videos.
If you do not mind, please come to my blog and download his files.
Thank you.

By Puisicintaqu. The Link Click Here

6 komentar:

  1. mas gan fail to install
    cann't excecute updater binary kalo di twrp
    mungkin pake updater biasa aja bukan aroma bisa?
    he he kalo bisa upload meta.inf aja deh biar download nya ga gede-geda amat


    1. got an error when flashing through philz touch, please fix

  2. What the device please? tab 10" or 7"?

  3. got it flashed after modify meta.inf folder, however got Noozxoide FC afterward
    i'm on AOKP kitkat

    1. sorry i'm on tab 2 7" p3100

    2. Sorry the version of Noozxoide app not compatible with android kitkat. it will be fix soon. :)


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